Sunday, March 29, 2009

mashed potato pizza

Our friends came all the way from New York for mashed potato pizza at BAR in New Haven. I have heard good things about this combo, but have always been dubious. Today I became a believer. I love the buttery mashed potatoes on the white pie with the hints of rosemary and garlic.
254 Crown St
New Haven
(203) 495-1111

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my pretend cat

I want a cat, but I don't want the responsibility, so I have the next best thing. A neighborhood cat who hangs out along the upper part of the seawall. She is very friendly so we when the weather's warm we go out on a cat hunt and I hope to see her near the bench on Morningside Drive.


out for some fresh sea air


You & Us

After 12 years, D decided it was time for a change pf scenery (though he is sorry to lose his waterview over Long Wharf)! It's been a long battle to prepare, but as of Friday, he is now a financial advisor at UBS.

When non-industry people hear what it's like for a broker transfer to a new firm, they seem to relate it to the movie Jerry Maguire. It has been a rather dramatic, eye-opening process to witness.

When I got home from work on Friday I found a floral welcome from his new UBS family in New Haven. I love the nod to spring with the pussy willows stretching out of the top.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Huntington Street Café

This Friday, Ken Atkins is brings his honky tonk kind to Huntington Street Café in Shelton, CT. I can't take credit for the pretty awesome poster for the performance, but will point you in the direction of the newly launched HSC new website. I worked with super cool owners Salem and Peter to create an online presence to match the new vibe they have created for the café. Stop in a for a steamed cheeseburger and tell them that Liz sent you.

Huntington Street Café
90 Huntington St.
Shelton, CT 064840

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

just in from seoul, south korea: mr. mao

I fell victim to impulse buying on ETSY last week. Who doesn't want to buy something handmade, direct from the artist!? Do I need an orange felt iPod cozy? No- but getting this guy in the mail was like getting a gift from a dear friend. The is just the snazzy update my tired old iPod needs.

For more of Mr Mao's friends, check out some of annamatic's past creations or check out this graphic designer's portfolio.

charming wall

Last weekend we were in the West Village for lunch at Blind Tiger. I wanted to find a bakery in the area and Patisserie Claude gets high praise on the food boards. I didn't buy the famous croissants, but did love the plum tart and the mini hazelnut macaroons. The interior's not much to look at, but the sweets took me back to the streets of Paris.

A few doors up from the patisserie, this print from by Doug Morrison caught my eye. Charming Wall sells a varied selection of affordable prints ($20 print, $40 with mat, $80 framed) and I loved the quirky selection of prints.

Patisserie Claude
187 W 4th Street
(between Barrow St & Jones St)
New York, NY 10014
(212) 255-5911

Charming Wall
191 West 4th Street
(between 6th and 7th)
New York, NY 10014
open 12-7pm


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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Life's a garden, Dig it..

Growing a garden is one of the last things on this green earth that I thought I would allocate time to. Why would I spend precious time digging in the dirt when I could be golfing? We planted a meager little veggie garden last year and got quite a bit of yield. I must admit it was flat out rewarding on many levels.

Victory gardens of the 1940's were a nationwide effort to fight food shortages. A similar effort seems to be written about now with slightly different benefits. This week's Economist reports on several such ventures.

No winter lasts forever, get your seeds now.
